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Harmony Musuem
Magnificent Member

Shelby Ruch

Magnificent Member Shelby Ruch is a Magnificent Member of Historic Harmony.   We are extremely grateful for her time and effort that she puts into everything to help benefit our mission. Shelby Ruch Volunteering for HH has given me opportunities to

Harmony Musuem
Magnificent Member

Susan Webb

Magnificent Member of the Month Susan Webb is the Magnificent Member of the Month.  Susan and her husband Richard moved to Harmony in November of 2016, but owned property and was very involved with the Harmony Museum well before they

Harmony Museum

Area Memories

  • Area Memories
    Harmony Bridge This span enabled travel and trade between Pittsburgh …
  • Area Memories – Here’s The Answer!
    AnswerWhere was this old landmark? Baldingers Store Baldingers was first …
  • Area Memories – Do You Know?
    Where was this old landmark? This local place was once …

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